After getting ready for bed, I put Nate in his crib to play while I sorted laundry. I went downstairs to start a load and could hear his mobile playing and him talking on the monitor. About 1o minutes later, silence. *Note - it's always a crap shoot if he'll go to sleep on his own after playing in his crib or if he'll have a fit and scream until we come soothe him.
This is what I saw when I came in...

The poor baby was so tired, he couldn't even manage to lay down. I can hear him thinking "I'm just going to put my head down for a sec". He didn't make any noise or fuss at all when I laid him down. Sweet dreams, Nate.
too freakin cute!
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How cute is that?????? Not that we haven't all been that tired at some time or other!
Oh my gosh what a GREAT photo! I so enjoyed it.
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