Nate got crafty for Daddy's birthday.
"Is someone cutting onions in here?" says Mike after reading Nate's gift.
Safety glasses with photochromic lenses make Mikey happy.
The Essential Journey - which we listened to ALL.WEEKEND.LONG.
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Mike's birthday apple pie
Mom and Dad stopped by on Friday. We all went out for dinner to celebrate Mike's day then came home for that apple pie and ice cream.
Nate and Poppops
More pictures from the week...
Our little drummer boy:
Look at this smile. LOOK! Click on the picture to see it in even better detail... I'll wait.
Possibly my favorite picture ever - the drool is just glistening on his chin (and soaking his shirt)!
Smiling so big he's making the "squeee" sound! It makes me pee every time I see it. :)
Could that kid GET any cuter?
My kids had that drum!! They loved it!
Happy Birthday Mikey!
The smile and the footy pajamas KILL ME.
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