Sunday, January 29, 2012

Doing Life - Week 4

I had a great week, thanks for asking!  I just posted about our Buddy Challenge and I have to honestly say it was exciting. I had fun pairing up with Kelli. Even though I'm 10 years older, I felt like we had a lot in common.  It's nice to have someone new to talk to about the ups and downs of not only weight loss and healthy living but about life in general.

Before this week, I'd been struggling to get my workouts in.  I would walk and do my C25K workouts while Nate was in school but that's only twice a week.  It's hard with Mike's schedule if he was working on days Nate was out of school.  This week Sallie came out to my 'hood and walked with me twice.  One day we pushed 2 strollers and it was great to get out when I normally wouldn't have been able to.  I also put a shout out to friends on FB and asked if anyone I had a double jogging stroller I could test drive.  My friends came through and I picked one up on Wednesday.  I had already worked out Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday but Nate was itching to try out the new stroller on Friday so when the weather cleared up and it got gorgeous out in the afternoon, we hit the road.  About a mile away in our neighborhood is Hoffler Creek Wildlife Preserve. I don't know why we go there so rarely.  It is beautiful.

We played. We threw 100 sticks in the water. We walked the Kids Trail three times.  It was wonderful.  The next day, Nate wanted to go to the lake again so we all went as a family.  I'm telling you the double stroller is awesome.  I worked out 5 days in a row.  I got in 4 hours and 14 minutes of exercise.  I'm so proud especially since last week I only managed 1 hour and 44 minutes.

I've also been trying to improve my plank time.  I started at a painful 50 seconds.  My new best is 1:20 seconds.  My goal by next Sunday is 1:30.  I can do it!

Saturday we had my friend Karrie take Claire's pictures.  I'll certainly post those when I get them back. To hold you over, here are a few pictures I took this week. Isn't she delectable?

She's getting so big, isn't she?  She's sitting up, eating baby food, and chatting up a storm.  I'm still in awe every day that I've been blessed with my two kiddos. What was once thought impossible has become possible and is my life.  How did I get so lucky?


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