Friday, October 16, 2009

Squee - Pumpkins!

I've waited patiently all summer long for the return of my favorite season. All that waiting paid off, because HELLO AUTUMN! On Wednesday Mike, Nate, and I joined our Moms groups friends at the pumpkin patch for a fun-filled morning.

He wouldn't stand still for the "I'm this tall" picture. Is it just me or does it look like he's saying "Sh$t"?

Ha ha! Look how cute I am in THIS picture, when Mama & Daddy finally gave up on getting a great picture!

This hay bale here? Yes, I'm going to climb it.

Then I'm going to give you my best Zoolander pose.

Yep - only kid who isn't sitting down. Where is his mother?? Oh wait.

Lemme see...

I'm liking this one right here...

It's as big as my head so it's a keeper!

How cute am I?

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