I was going to impress everyone with my animal naming skills, but yep - I've already forgotten the names of some of the animals we saw. In addition to the animals below we also saw some meerkats, mandrills, and Alfred the rhino.
Let's roll, Mom!
The elephants have a mister that I wanted to hop the fence and stand under
The masked love birds are pretty (as long as they stay in cages, I'm okay with birds)
Hogs of some sort
The bongos found the shade
Wait - I think this one is called a Zebra.
Cooling off inside (chewing on the cup since the molars are coming in hard core)
The "mascot" for Norfolk is the mermaid. There are tons all over the city and they all have a different design.
As is your boy.
Also: I have a theory that EVERY zoo in EVERY city has some kind of cosmic contract with the Universe to be hot. HOT HOT HOT. I've never been to the zoo when it's temperate or cool or even breezy. Hot hot hot. Every time.
Were the fountains on yet?
I think that zoo is perfect for his age especially if he won't be stroller bound!!!!
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