If it's even possible, Nathan gets cuter every day. He is such an absolute joy and my heart swells just thinking of him. He is sleeping like a champ and he's a good eater. He really only fusses when he's got dirty britches or when he's hungry. Milestone: On Wednesday his cord fell off. Of course, I was out doing my mid-day pet visits when Mike called to tell me. It's one of those things that I already feel like I should've been there to witness it.
We had our first appointment with the pediatrician on Friday and we really scored big with Tidewater Childrens Associates and Dr. Ballard. She and the staff were really great. Doc said Nathan's so healthy that he doesn't need to come back until his 2 month check-up. We were thrilled to hear that. So his stats as of yesterday are... 7 lbs 9 oz and 20" long. He has gained about an ounce per day which is good. I already love Dr. Ballard because she said the only thing else she could say about Nathan was that he was gorgeous. Yes, ma'am he is!
Mom came to town on Thursday to stay with us and help with Nate. We've been having a good time and taking lots of pictures.
On Friday, Nathan was really alert after eating in the late afternoon and we played Patty Cake. Mom got a cute video on her flip video. I'm going to try to attach it here:
(Okay - don't think that worked. I'll keep trying to figure out how to attach a video.)
When Mom came up she brought Bosco home too. He is such a loving and protective big brother! Any peep from Nathan and Bosco is first on scene to check it out. He's getting a bit underfoot, but I know it's just because he's excited about all the new goings on around here. Here he is with Nathan:
Got a great picture for Nate's birth announcement! They were ordered, picked up, addressed and in the mail within 24 hours. Check your mailboxes soon.
Today was Nathan's debut with the entire family. He met Great Grandma Connery this morning (it's her birthday, so I think meeting him was a good present!). Dad came up today too and met the little man. It was love at first sight, of course. We went to Nana's tonight for dinner so Nate met his Great Nana, Aunt Linda, Uncle Dave, Jenny, and John. He put on his "I'm such a cute baby" routine so everyone fell in love with him instantly. He slept most of the time, but he showed everyone all the cute faces he can make!
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